Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat

Greenwood Annex 2999 S. Greenwood Dr, Johnson City, TN

Come join us for a Fall Festival with food and games and then stick around as all the kids trunk or treat to all of the church's cars.

Shoebox Packing Party

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

It is that time of year again to get our shoeboxes together. We are getting together to put our resources together to fill more and better boxes. You can either pick up a box from the church and fill it and bring it back, Gather up a  number of items to put in the pool […]

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

We would like to invite you to join us for out second annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Everyone is invited. If you don't have someone to share Thanksgiving with, your can't afford to have a dinner, or you just want to get to know the neighbors in the community better. We will have smoked turkey with […]

Why the Nativity? Movie Night

Greenwood Annex 2999 S. Greenwood Dr, Johnson City, TN

This is going to be one of our most exciting events so far. We are going to watch an outdoor movie on a big screen. You will be able to sit outside near a fire pit to watch or you can watch in your car (please find out how to turn off your running lights […]

Christmas Breakfast

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

Join us for a breakfast and Sunday School fellowship.  

Candlelight Christmas Communion

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

Join us for a special candlelight service with communion as we celebrate Jesus' birth followed by a Dessert Fellowship.

Chili Cookoff

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

We are excited to invite you to join us for our second annual Chili Cookoff. We will have several different types and temps of chili available. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy some good food and great fellowship.

Churchwide Breakfast

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

Come for breakfast and fellowship, and stick around for Sunday School. If you are not already participating in Sunday School stay and find a class that you enjoy.

Community Bean Supper

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

Everyone is invited to join us for a good old fashioned bean supper. We will have soup beans, cornbread, fried potatoes, and chow chow. Come and join us for good food and fellowship.

Movie Night

Greenwood Annex 2999 S. Greenwood Dr, Johnson City, TN

We invite everyone out to a fun outdoor movie night. We will have hot dogs at 7:00 and start the movie when it gets dark enough around 8:00. Come sit around the fire pits to watch on the big screen with free popcorn, or you will be able to listen while sitting in your car […]