Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

We would like to invite our community to come out and join us for a free Thanksgiving Dinner. If you are away from home or are going to be alone […]

Christmas Candlelight Communion

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

We will enjoy our annual Candlelight Communion Service this year on the 17th of December. We would love for you to come join in with us as we celebrate the […]

Christmas Dessert Fellowship

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

We look forward to the dessert fellowship every year following the Candlelight Communion. Come join us for the special service and stay for the fellowship. Provided by the pastor and his wife. Brown wooden table with various cookies, tarts, cakes, cupcakes and cakepops. Studio shot.  

Chili Cook Off

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

We have some really good chili cooks at church. We invite the community to come out and help us determine who is the best. This is our first fellowship of the new year and we hope you will come and join us. We love to get together and eat but our goal is to get […]

Spaghetti Supper

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

This month our monthly fellowship will be spaghetti. This is not a fund raiser, we just want you to come out and enjoy a meal with us and a great time of fellowship.

Easter Egg Hunt

Greenwood Annex 2999 S. Greenwood Dr, Johnson City, TN

We will celebrate Good Friday with our Easter Egg Hunt at the annex Friday evening at 6:00. We will have food and games along with egg hunt for the kids. We look forward to seeing everyone come out and enjoy a spring outing and fellowship. Bring a basket all eggs with prizes will be provided […]

Son Rise Service

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

One of our favorites services of the year is the early morning Son Rise. We celebrate the ladies finding the tomb empty that first Easter morning. We will be out on the porch as we watch the sun come over the mountain. We will have communion and follow up with breakfast. Everyone is invited to […]

Low Country Boil

Greenwood Annex 2999 S. Greenwood Dr, Johnson City, TN

We have been looking forward to Spring all year so we can get back to our outdoor monthly fellowships. This month will be one of our favorites. We will do a Low Country Boil. Shrimp, beef sausage, potatoes, and corn with butter sauce to dip in and hush puppies. We will cook the sausage and […]

Community Fellowship Cookout

Greenwood Annex 2999 S. Greenwood Dr, Johnson City, TN

This will be our first Community Cookout of the summer. We hope all will come out and join us. We love having the opportunity to fellowship with the great folks […]

VBS Breaker Rock Beach

Greenwood Baptist Church 3237 S Greenwood Drive, Johnson City, TN, United States

An exciting week of a VBS adventure on Breaker Rock learning the difference between the World's Truth and God's Truth. We will meet nightly starting Sunday night at 6:00 pm […]